The 30 second and 60 second format commercial is an art unto itself. Because they are so short, every shot takes on an importance not seen in longer format videos. These require a huge amount of pre-production planning to be sure that every second is used effectively.
We love the challenge of capturing an audiences’ attention and telling a compelling story efficiently, especially when that attention is being pulled by hundreds of channels and show options. There is a real opportunity to capture a brand, highlight a product and leave them wanting more with a call to action. We’ve worked on both regional and national broadcast spots.

Past Projects
Words from Our
Satisfied Customers

“We switched from another vendor and saved thousands of dollars with a more efficient approach to media production!”

“When you’re in the trenches on behalf of a client and need to execute video production that reinforces a brand and has a clear call to action, Joe Buscemi and the team at Inline ‘get it’. They have the ability to quickly grasp what my clients want to communicate and then do the creative work to get an exceptional end product.”

“Inline takes accountability for achieving results and maintains a positive, healthy perspective… even on the most stressful, high visibility projects.”

“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your outstanding work on our fall television campaign… You were creative, fun and professional. A winning combination… thanks again for making us look so good!”
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Video Production Project
Contact us today to get a quote and take the first step towards making your message unforgettable.